Fat Burning Workouts for at Home

Fat Burning Workouts for at Home

It is a very popular opinion that the only place people can complete an effective workout is in a gym. This simply is not true! Paying for a membership at your local gym or health club is not always necessary to achieve great results from fat burning workouts. Many people already know that your home can be a great place to do your fat burning workouts and by doing so you can save time and money while still getting the results you want.

At Home Workout Benefits

The following list of benefits for doing your fat burning workouts at home is plentiful and includes; no monthly expenses for membership, no ackward locker room moments with a bunch of strangers, and no need to pack up things in the car for winter weather while going to the health club etc. The two fat burning workouts listed below are a great way to initiate your fitness program once you decide you want to exercise at home.

Workout One

Every workout is intended to really work one area of your body and the first workout recommendation is for your lower body and core using squats with all of your body weight. You can work on your upper body easily by doing some pushups. Combining these two exercises will create a workout that can be done easily at home and will create effective results. For the squats, you should be standing straight up with your feet spread about shoulder width apart. Next begin to slowly bend your knees until you are in a sitting on air type of position and hold for a count of five or ten seconds whatever you can do. When you are ready to increase the intensity of your workout you can increase the weight by using dumbbells. When you first start you should do about thirty reps in a set before moving to pushups for the upper body.

Workout Two

The next at home fat burning workout may surprise you, however, it can be a very effective part of your fitness program. Perform jumping jacks for fifteen minutes. This an easy way to begin to help your body breakdown fat and build up some cardio resistance for more intense workouts in the future. To increase the intensity of this routine do an additional two to five minutes of jumping rope.

The above workouts should take you about thirty to forty five minutes to complete combined. If it has been awhile since you have exercised you should begin with about twenty minutes total at least three times a week. Remember with any workout regime that patience and consistency are two of the most important factors.

Good luck in your efforts to burn more fat.

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